Monday, January 24, 2011

Beat the Heat

I have been using heated water buckets in the winter since they became widely available.  This year, however, I reverted back to the black rubber bucket.  Partly because I didn't feel like snaking the plugs around through holes and hooks so the horses don't get themselves caught on them, but mostly due to the recent economic times.  I do like the heated buckets because I know my horses always have water to drink, but they do have their drawbacks.  I mentioned the snaking of plug wires.  This poses a problem when it comes time to dump and refill.  You have to have a second bucket to empty them into since they are now pretty much affixed to the wall.  Another issue I have with them is that they seem (to me anyway) to get slimier faster, even to the point of having algae growth.  It is odd to have to scrub algae when it 10 below.  Finally, there is the cost.  I try to unplug them when the weather is going to be above freezing, but even then there is a noticeable jump in my electric bill. 

So, rubber it is!  That is not to say that I will never go back to heated buckets.  Rubber just made more sense to me this year.  They may be heavier and freeze solid in this weather (6 below this morning), but I think I kind of enjoy beating the heck out of them with hammer.  It makes me feel like I'm getting back at Mother Nature.

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